Need a fill Bad
Thanks Candace, I feel like it has been a long journey, and try so hard to stay possitive. But, I do have my low days, I guess today is just one of them. I knew, going with the band it would be slow, I guess I just didn't realize how conservative my Dr. would be. and in the process I've lost my focus a few times (haha, more then a few). I read so many are at my level of restriction after one month, and I'm at 8 months. But, to remain possitive I am feeling some restriction so its getting there. I would have never done as well as I have without all you guys. Especially those of you how have struggled, because it just made me stronger, and I didn't give up hope. Thanks again, Cheryl
I know how you feel. I gained 4 pounds too. I am really feeling it too. Off to the YMCA today for a major work out! That's my New Year's resolution... to work out more with weights. I've got to tone up bad. So much loose skin - it's icky. Jezum - you'd think someone was clapping for me when I have sex!!!! All that skin flapping around. What else can I do but laugh!