update on my fill and DH
First RUth, Nurse came today and asked about you and she said a girl named Sarah was scheduled to come but you two could talk if you wanted to. but I understand it is out of your way. All is cool, he is doing well, pain off and on, I think he is trying to ween off the meds and then it kicks his ass so he goes back. WEll that will teach him. anyway. I"m pooped, MLM comes back home tonight, i need to go get him at 6:00. now I need to start cleaning and cooking for some family and some gifts on Sat. plus will have company over from tonight to SUnday. as for my fill, it is doing OK, i am having a hard time getting most foods in, especially the proteins (chicken, shrimp, ground pork) I did have a protein shake today, to make up for it. after the little bit I ate for 2 days, I gainned 2 lbs. hehe, I guess those 5 saltines and that drink did it. hmmm?? anyway, i've done well today. I"m still trying to figure out what to eat. trying to do low carbs and not being able to eat meats is tough??? any suggestions. besides shakes "I WANT TO CHEW" hehe BTW, I hate eggs.
have a great day,
have a great day,
hey, I'm here for you girl, i'm an old pro, hahahaaaaaahhaaa, boy I crack myself up. Its really been a trial and error journey. there aren't many banders here on the maine board, and seems like we all have different dr's so that has been a different journey for banders. RNY seems much more consistant with everyone. we all get our fills at different rates and they all affect each of us differently. but at any rate, welcome....