I don't mean to sound harsh, but I'm listening to that an all I can think about is get over girl! I would be happy at 160 or whatever the actual weight was...lol. I don't want to be at my "ideal weight" which would be around 130 or so. But having said that I have just started my journey and have quite some time before I get there. Being under 200 would make me estatic!
I'm not sure why you deleted this - but I watched it before my power went out last night. I get what she is saying - we place so much of why we are not happy as overweight people on the weight - which is not the entire problem. Losing the weight is only part of the problem - it in itself is not sole cure for many of us, we also need to work on other issues as well. I know that I have a different life than most of you - not being fortunate enough to have a family or partner in my life. Weight in itself did not cause this, nor will it cure it....that's the other work that I need do.