update for me....
Besides my s study yesterday i went to meet with corrine and I had lost a total of 9lbs in 2 weeks... She told me that i only have to lose 5 more before they approve me... which is awesome (i think). And if I dont have s apnea then it moves a whole lot quicker... Corrine said i was doing awesome and that she was amazed that i lost that much weight in such little time... I wonder how long it will take before some one cotacts me about the s study? Corrine told me the only thing i need to do is switch my one coffee a day to decalf.... not too hard!!! I told her that my goal for myself is to lose another 20lbs.... these 11lbs werent that bad... so I hope that it will be that easy again... JUst need to exersize exersize!!! thanks for all your help you guys are AMAZING people with such big hearts and I hope you never change!