phew I need a nap
wow, what a crazy night and morning, this little girl has way too much energy, MY GOD, what is wrong with her? I got up at 11:30 pm and she was digging in drawers in MLM's room, (he was gone to parents) she broke about 7 things in my house, got paint on table and rug, can't follow any directions, as I was trying to decorate cup cakes with her, I went to bathroom and when I returned she had taken a bite out of 1/2 of them, (JUST kidding) she said. grrrrrr, I can't deal with that, my kids were sooooo good, and new how to behave, she was out in the pouring rain, last night with the hose, spraying her hair, running in the mud, emptied trash from her Dad's truck into driveway, (I've got it all over the yard now and you know how I like my yard nice)... WOW, I need a nap...