Investments, retirement funds
NOT looking so good right now... Really stressing out. MY DH has been saving and putting away a large amount on every paycheck for 30 years for early retirement. Looks like this won't happen unless something happends, plus, I had an accident years ago and invested all the money, for when we retire, looks like that is gone too...Right now, I guess we're lucky we both still have our jobs...My heart is broken to think that we wasted so many years, working our butts off and now, cause of Bad Government/ bull our hard work is worth nothing. how can this happen? Should have just kept the money in the freezer.
yes good idea not to go there. AIG seems like it will be helped out and we'll be ok with that one. thank God, like Suzie O says. hehe Lets just hope we lucked out with all our investments, we need to get our monthly printouts to see how bad we got hit. the poor and middle class just have no way of getting out, its time for us to all get a break. nuff said!!!