busy day today
Hi Everyone how is everyone doing. just stopping in to say HI.. today I had a very busy day at home can u imagine I did not go fishing.
I woke up at 6:30 put a load of laundry in. talk with patty for a while. then I went to put a cord of wood in the wood shed, then it was not raining so went to mowing lawns for 6 hours straight. then I took a break, then I went out put more wood in. went and picked a big bowel of blackberrys. came in cooked supper..TROUT, fresh corn on cob, fresh green beans, potatoe, did the dishes. packed the blackberrys to be froze 7 pints. now it is 9;30 and I am resting again and chatting with amber. I have to take shower after I get off here.
my scales broke so I dont know if I lost any but If not my stomach muscles should be getting better. thats the only thing left I want to get rid off
Im going to have to pick more blackberrys tomorrow they seem to settle really well blueberrys didnt settle with me.
hope all is well.. I think I should of went fishing did way to much work lol
Night all