You are awesome! I love your vlogs, your honesty, and how candid you are! I think all that you are feeling is pretty normal at this point! I often wondered, pre-op, how I could lose weight now when I had been trying all my life without much success. I slipped....more than I care to admit! I ate stuff I shouldn't have and too much of it at times too! But, as Kathy said, I knew there was a "light at the end of the tunnel" so to speak and that as long as I kept trying, that was all that mattered! I definitely had in my mind that food choices and portions would be much better controlled after surgery, which it IS! YEAH! It's all very difficult as you prepare for this life-changing experience. I would say to make sure you know all that your doctor and nutritionist expect of you and remain determined to follow their instructions....that's all you can do! Pre-op, with no help from a limited size stomach.....what can we do? As others have said before me..anyone who tells you that surgery is "the easy way out"...well, they just don't know what they're talking about! (My son said that to me today and I about pounded him into the ground..jk of course, but I did educate him that all these choices I have to make are NOT easy...I'd love to have a brownie or chocolate chip cookie fresh out of the oven, BUT, taking a chance of getting sick just ISN'T worth it for me.....so, is that the easy way out? I don't think so!!! I think he understood after we chatted for a bit!)
The exercise part of this surgery is not easy either, BUT, any kind of movement helps! I am not a very motivated person (at least, not when I was 260 or so) It took everything I had to get outside and walk or do an exercise video or just get off the recliner! But, like you, Terri, I am strong, and I wasn't about to let my chance for good health get away from me. Start off small....chair exercises....kick your legs, march while sitting in your chair, take cans of veggies and lift them for arm exercises, try to walk part of the way to the mailbox....our nut told us ANY activity counted for exercise. Just gotta set it in your mind and heart that it WILL all help and lead you to that active, healthy life that you want and DESERVE!!!!!! I KNOW you can do it!
The fears you have about surgery...I think they are valid and "normal". I know you've done the research and know the statistics. You have to be at peace with your decision, which it sounds like you are. The fears will pop back up numerous times before you get to your surgery date. Just breathe, pray, and feel that peace inside you each time the fears creep up.
Sorry this is so long and I'm not sure if any of this will make sense, but maybe one small word or sentence in here will help. Plan to succeed!!!! We ARE all human!!! We ARE all determined! We ARE all strong! We ARE here for you! I know I'm honking for you! I'm staying behind to help get you back with the rest of us! I KNOW you can do this! Hugs, honks, and prayers heading your way! Ruth