Updated !! directions to Middle Range State Park
Hello guys, I live about a mile from the state park. I will be going out today and take the mileage from the auburn turnpike exit and get you all the directions. It is pretty easy, I just want to get you all the perfect miles. if anyone else is coming from different ways then the turnpike, let me know I'll whip something up for you. have a good weekend... cheryl
EDIT #1: you can check out this map, and zoom in to get more details. http://www.goingoutside.com/lake/104/1042578_Middle_Range_Po nd_Maine.html
The State Park is Just off the Empire Road in Poland. The Empire Road is approached from Maine Route 122 off from turnpike Auburn Exit (take right at exit/follow signs); or take Route 26 north from Gray to poland then right on Rt 122, or Route 202 south from Lewiston which will connect with Route 122 in Auburn... when you are on 122 look for signs for State Park... Any Questions/??? EDIT #2: Get off Auburn Exit, yield & take right, take first right at first light (DUnkin DOnuts), go to first light and take Left, go 3.8 miles to Empire Rd. go 1/2 ish mile and State park is on Left.