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Well, I finally did it... I've been having increasing medical issues. Hopefully they will turn out to be nothing major but all the same I've been not doing so well. I have high blood pressure that still seems a bit high to me even with medication but then again, perhaps that's in response to the fact that I've been having a lot of bone/joint pain (knees, legs, shoulder and arms), irregular periods and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, low energy etc. I've made a few healthful changes.. I've begun paying more attention to salt intake and I've begun taking Bene-fiber tablets daily. So yesterday I had my doctor's appt. and we discussed several issues. My weight at the office was 252.6 (About a 5 lb loss from two weeks ago when I had an appt.) I talked to her about the weight issue and she AGREED that weight loss surgery would be a good choice for my health at this point so she made the referral!! I'm both EXCITED AND SCARED!!! Not sure what to expect now---because I'm on Medicare at this time (not for weight related reasons but I'm on disability). I wonder what the next step will be and what the time frame is I'll be looking at? Complicating things mood wise anyway is the loss of a dear friend of mine last week. I've been blessed not to have a lot of loss in my life in terms of death and this lady and I go way back. She was older than me by about 12 years or so, I met her when I was 19 and I used to work for her--first selling Sarah Coventry and also babysitting her two oldest kids. But first and foremost she was a friend. I introduced her to Anne a year or so after I'd first met her and Anne (from this site) went to the memorial service with me this past Friday which was nice because i have had a really tough time of it between that and a few other things going on. Diane's death really made me think about life and how short it is for some folks and how my health is really jeopardized by my weight. I don't want to develop diabetes, lose even MORE ability to do everyday things. I figure even if I run into major trouble and live only two or three years after the surgery I'd rather live those years THIN and active! Sorry to be so morbid lol! Well, that's about it for now. Thanks for letting me ramble! Lori
It was magic when she realized who she had become...
Highest Pre-op right after Surgery Current Goal
236 213 219 140 130
96 lbs lost and gone forever!! To God goes the Glory!
Finally it moved!