To all you fairly newbies....
Hey, Ruth, not sure, i'm going in on Tues, I don't have a lab slip either. I"m not worried, if they want us to go, they will give us the slip and call after if there are any problems. when you going? Call Kim if you think you need some bloodwork, I havnt' lost anything so I"m sure my blood is the same.
You should be having bloodwork before every appt. When is your appt? I was called about a week before my scheduled appointment to let me know I was to go and on a 12 hour fast. I'd call the office to check. Suggestion: bring a protein drink with you so you can have it BEFORE you even get out of the chair. They lab work requires 8 or so viles of blood and I felt so sick I thought I would pass out because of the 12 hour fast.