Support Group
Can anyone tell me of a support group in ME that will allow anyone to join? My surgeon no longer has the support group, which I never really found his very helpful, but I went faithfully. I saw an advertisement in the newspaper about surgery/surgeons in Waterville and called but they told me I can't go/join as I am not one of "their patients". My surgery was on December 16,2002 I had leveled off at a good weight for me, but in the last year/year & a half I have put on 20 pounds. I feel I need to get back on track and get my mind wrapped around the main goal of what I had originally had started. My motto used to be and I need to make myself live by it again is: ~*~Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin Feels !!!~*~ So if anyone knows of a support group which I can join even if its only every other month Please let me know.