leg cramps
Just wondering if anyone has had leg cramps since surgery... Last night I woke up with just the beginnings of one in my right leg. I haven't had any for months. I checked my multivitamin and all my protein, and there's not much potassium in there. Do you think it would be ok to add just a small piece of a banana (like a 1 inch slice) to a protein drink (blenderized really well, of course!)?? I'll ask Dr Loggins on Thursday too, but was just wondering. (It wasn't a really bad cramp or anything, just something I haven't experienced in a long time!) Thanks everyone! Ruth
I have leg cramps but usually only in one leg,, i started eating bananas and they are better,but still get them..my friend gets them also I started getting them about 1 month out, they told me no one has ever complained about leg cramps and to just add bananas...Let me know what your doctors says it will be very interesting..
I have been plagued by leg cramps all my life UNTIL surgery. Now that I'm taking my multi vitamin and CALCIUM on a regular basis I don't seem to have them. Also, I notice a correlation between the water intake (or lack of it) and the cramps. If I slack off the water and then spend a day drinking more than usual I will get them. If I don't keep up with water on hot days and then maybe drink extra the next day I will get them. Keep track of what seems to work for you.
Remember....when life hands you Lemons, ask for tequila and salt and call me over!