I wa**** on!
ok here's the scoop. he was by himself and obviously itching to dance. i danced nearly every one except the slow ones. anyway, we pulled him into the group and bumped and grinded on him. he was all in his glory. well, he grabbed me and pulled me in and get really close to my neck and OMG it was fun. then he asked if i was married and i said no. he stayed with us the rest of the night. after closing he wanted to go home with us and we said no way. we don't do that sort of thing. well ok i have done it before but don't make a habit of it. LOL. we were trying to guess his name and my friend alice said it was eric and sure enough it was. we made him prove it and he whipped out his license, insurance card, etc. he's from richmond. his birthday is april 17th and he's working in woolwich on the bridges. we told him if he wants to see us again he's have to come to grays which just sold and is now called knot gray's wharf. so that's the scoop. i plan to go out again on the 26th. maybe i'll have some more juice for you then.