ok...dearies...you asked for it!
This video falls under the category of "too much information." It is a response to another YouTubers contest that is kinda like our Friday Five only in video...here are the questions we had to answer...
1- best present received
2- scariest moment
3a- favorite food when not dieting
3b - favorite food when dieting
4a - favorite person on YouTube
4b- least favorite person on YouTube
5a - strangest place for you know what
5b - age of deflowerment!
Be afraid...be very afraid!
1- best present received
2- scariest moment
3a- favorite food when not dieting
3b - favorite food when dieting
4a - favorite person on YouTube
4b- least favorite person on YouTube
5a - strangest place for you know what
5b - age of deflowerment!
Be afraid...be very afraid!