lots of questions sorry
You know Kathi these things seem like annoyances, and I suppose they are BUT!!!! They are designed to make the surgery safer Especially the Lovenox. They catheter is no biggie they put it in while you are under so you don't even know it. It is a great way for them to check your kidney function too. I actually liked the not having to run to the bathroom every hour lol
I was so sick from the anesthesia that I was glad not to have to get up actually. That could be the reason. It came out the next day and after they put the motion sickness patch behind my ear I was fine. I wish they had done that prior to surgery cause I would have been up moving around that same day.
I do agree tho, I hate that waking up feeling, all dopey and drousy, I was put to sleep last year to have a small cyst taken out on my back it was great, I woke up and was wide awake and went shopping, I was in and out of the hospital in 45 mins. NO KIDDING !!! the longest part was the prep, getting the iv put in and stuff. it was teh best, they should use that twilight sleep all the time.