Upcomming Surgeries
Hello Everyone, I just looked and there are 7 surgeries in a three week period between March 31 and April 21. Some hospitals will deliver free internet cards to patients. I know CMMC and Maine General do. Please let us know what hospital you will be in and your full name so cards can be sent. If any one is interested in mine I am Mary Margaret Goodenough and I will be at Maine General
At EEMC the website is www.EEMC.org and the link to click on is "E-mail a patient"
At Maine General the website is www.mainegeneral.org and you click on "send a card" At CMMC the website is www.cmmc.org and you click on "Patient and vistor information" then "cards and gifts" All of these are free cards and the hospitals print them out and deliver them.