Fresh Maine Shrimp cheap HIgh PRotein
I just was brought a yummy gift from one of my customers I wanted to share with you all, as I had never bought them before, Fresh Maine Shrimp, and she said they were only 1.00 a pound WOW . As I wanted to pay for this..They have all shells etc. twist heads off and pull off the tail, its quick and easy and Wow IT TASTES Just LIKE LObster, I'm overwhelmed! I had never had FRESH Maine SHRIMP before, with spray butter and some salt, ITs only 84 calories for 3 oz and 18 grams of protein, and tastes so rich.. I just thougth I would share this as we would splurge on a frozen bag at walmart about 8.00 and I thought they were good, they are aweful compared to this taste and texture, If anyone loves seafood, this is an excellent meal and soo affordable. a treat, LIke Lobster. I always thought fresh would cost a LOT I guess I've been missing out for years.. Dont pass by the Fish truck if you love shrimp.. wow.. its good stuff and Cheap!
Happy Friday Fish Day hee hee
p.s. they dont smell bad either, as I thought they would..
The frozen ones are like rubber compared to these fresh ones, AND only cook them a few minutes. She showed me how, twist head off, then run your finger up the middle, some have eggs, the females and slip the tail off, place in cold fresh water until done to swish and rinse... Then I just took cooking spray, and fry pan and they have enough moisture, lightly coo****il white and curled, and they are done, it didnt take even 5 min.s and they are more tender then lobster , I am taken back by the texture and flavor and best of all something good for you thats cheap!! I think many people over cook them, these were soo tender, I had to share this info. as I would of never thought to buy them.. She said the season is about over, figures, but if your out and about, pick some up they are well worth it, 5 pounds she brought and theres a lot of meat. My husbands going to be happy , one of his favorite fish for supper tonite. I will cook some brown rice and steam brocoli for his I will add garlic and spray butter and top it on the brown rice . and the rest I may make some chowder or a big stir fry and I just pick out the shrimp for mine. Its really good with just that parkay spray butter-0 calories. I think 20 min is wayyyyyyyy too long, even for frozen ones.. even live lobster, may be too tough for sure. she said the shrimp guy said if you are going to cook them in the shell, just snap head off and bring water to a boil drop in for about 3 min. and pull tails off after cooked. I didnt want to as the tails are dirty with eggs.. etc. .. IF you freeze them , freeze them uncooked for more. tender shrimp. Maine Shrimp 101 I know this will now be a new spring tradition for us for that price. for sure! Allicca