summer shopping
so i stopped at walmart on my way home the other night. i walked thru the women's clothing, which i have not done in months. i refused to purchase anything new til surgery. well, they have the cutest summer shorts right now. i'm in a baggy 20 right now. probably could squeeze into an 18. i picked up a 16 and really wanted to buy it but thought if i'm down a size already what will i be in june. so i put it back. does anyone have any idea how many sizes i might lose? i will wait a bit longer before i buy anything but want to get something before they are picked over and only xsmalls left.
Three more months...If you could already squeeze into an 18, I think the 16's will be too big in June. Just a guess. If you had to buy a pair I would say a 14. If they are too small you can always get into them in July/August so they won't be wasted. If too big....scr** the $ you spent on are in a freakin 12 lol!