New Vlog up...ugh--ly rash
Thanks so much for checking in with me. The rash is slowly getting better, but only because I haven't worn the mask the last two nights to give it time to heal. I have soaked the liner of the mask in warm soapy water to try and leach the chemicals out and figure I will attempt it again when my face has cleared up in another couple of days. I only got up to about an hour with it, but the sleep technician said that is normal for most people. If the rash comes back we may go with a nasal mask or buds (whatever they are). I think lots of people have some irritation at first and my skin is supersensitive so it may take me longer. Its hard to try to get acclimated to the machine and the mask and no sleep and then have to deal with a red and itchy rash over my whole face all day. It will all get better eventually I guess. Or so I am told and I am counting on that! Thanks for your good wishes!
I actually wear the nasal pillow (I think that's what it's called,) It took me a while to get used to keeping my mouth closed, but I'm doing ok with it now. I've been making it through the night here recently. My pressure is very low and I think that helps. Hope the rash clears up quickly! Let me know how it goes!