protein drinks
this is odd to me and i'm trying to figure this out too. i saw corinne last thursday and explained how hard the protein shakes were setting in my stomach. she turned me on to a 60 gram shake you can get at gnc. it's very yummy but cost about $60 for a container. i stressed my concern about our bodies only absorbing 25-30 grams at a time. she said there was no documentation to say we couldn't absorb all 60 at one meal. so i have been drinking the 60 in the morning and getting other protein from my pureed foods. some days i have a half (30) in the afternoon if i feel i'm not getting much from food.
so i guess what we absorb is debateable. corinne has told me 2 different things.
so i guess what we absorb is debateable. corinne has told me 2 different things.