SALT student seaks subject
To whom it may concern:
I am a photography student at the SALT Institute for Documentary studies in Portland, Maine. I am very interested in pursuing a subject in Maine who may be going through the Bariatric surgery process, either gastric bypass, LAP banding or its equivalent. Coming from a family and background where obesity has been a constant struggle, I am increasingly interested in this topic. I would like to follow someone through the entire process, from pre through post/recovery.
Our semester started about a month ago, and we have a couple of months to follow our subjects. Ideally a subject would be going into surgery within the next few weeks, so that I might be able to document the lengthy process from start to finish.
If you are interested in helping a student in need with an educational and interesting project, please contact me immediatly. I can travel the state, and have a very flexible schedule. I would like to meet you face to face as soon as possible. Thank you so much for your time.
Kirk Torregrossa
Photography student, SALT Institute for Documentary Studies
[email protected]
207 479 2780
I think this is a great oppurtunity to document an amazing change in someone's life. I hope only positive, respectful things come from this.
Kirk Torregrossa
Photography Student, SALT institute for Documentary Studies
[email protected]