I'm updated and photographed people!
HI everyone, I finally got reSIZED .. literally hhe thanks kathi as about 2months ago you sent me the jpegsizer link to fix my avitar, today I did it, I have acomplished something already!
I have some photos to share of my girls, my candles and even my back yard. come visit my journal. the scale moved fast all of a sudden, as quick as it gets stuck, it moves.. Happy Spring! Happy Sunday! this is the day that the LOrd has made and I will be glad in it. Even if I cant see out the windows.. hehe
its coming soon enough... I cant wait to wear shorts again, and tuck my t shirt in.. my jean shorts.. that hasnt happened for years and when it did it only lasted a season I think.. Blinded by the sun today. off to church,
to count my blessings to be in his presence! ahhhhhhhhhhh..
Wish all of you peace and comfort and control today. Because WE are in control, we count- we make a difference- and WE are Family.. sing it sing it loud!!
smile, happy dance, and yes I have CABIN FEVER!