my post op appointment
went great. i'm down 14 pounds since surgery. all my blood work is great. i met with the new surgeon today. he has a very thick accent. also saw crystal. she took another picture. got my staples out. what a relief. shannon is a peach. saw corinne for some advice. i start pureed foods monday. i can't wait. dr. loggins says i'm doing great and not to worry about being tired. it's all normal. he said i could go back to work monday if i felt up to it but he said only half days. i assured him i would go home when i needed to. i have a very flexible job so can do that. he really did not want me to go so soon but is trusting me. so i'm pretty psyched about the progress so far. i just want food really bad. looking forward to a scrambled egg!
Kathy, the last name starts with an r i think. it was a blur today. my energy was high and i was fidgety. he is a permanent fixture. dr. loggins is doing so well he felt he needed the extra help to handle his cases. he'll be a great addition. i still like dr. loggins better. it was hard to understand the other dr. i think he's french?