Fiday Five
Here we go! I will answer them in another post!
1) What is your favorite quote and who said it?
2) Who is your closest friend and why?
3) Do you have a trigger food that will be the hardest of all to either give up or cut back on?
4) Which of the 10 commandments do you struggle with most? (we all struggle with most of them at one time or another, if not by the letter of the law, at least in spirit!)
5) What is the most important lesson you have learned in life and from whom did you learn it?Here we go! I will answer them in another post!
1) What is your favorite quote and who said it? When I read about the evils of drinking, I decided to stop reading.... no clue who said it!
2) Who is your closest friend and why?my husband, because he is a great listener, supporter, he knows when to leave me alone or when I need a hug. He keeps me in line, and does it with charm.
3) Do you have a trigger food that will be the hardest of all to either give up or cut back on? MY trigger food is having a drink, it makes me make bad choices with food. BTW: I don't have a problem, I just enjoy my drink with my hubby when he comes home and while I make supper.
4) Which of the 10 commandments do you struggle with most? (we all struggle with most of them at one time or another, if not by the letter of the law, at least in spirit!) oppps! not proud of this but Had to look this one up, been a while!!! Remember the sabbath day...
1) What is your favorite quote and who said it? See, mother, I make all things new ~Jesus Christ 2) Who is your closest friend and why? My Mother, she has been with me supporting me in my WLS throughout and always in everything that I do. 3) Do you have a trigger food that will be the hardest of all to either give up or cut back on? Potato Chips are a big problem for me. The RNY tool does not prevent me from eating them. 4) Which of the 10 commandments do you struggle with the most? Taking the Lord's name in vain. 5) What is the most important lesson you have learned in life and from whom did you learn it? That I am worth it. My therapist Carol.
1) What is your favorite quote and who said it?
And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
2) Who is your closest friend and why?
Patsy. her mother and my mother have been best friends since they were 16 and we have been friends from birth. I have never known life without her and trust her completely. (Our sons are also good friends...3 generations of friendship!)
3) Do you have a trigger food that will be the hardest of all to either give up or cut back on?
Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!
4) Which of the 10 commandments do you struggle with most? (we all struggle with most of them at one time or another, if not by the letter of the law, at least in spirit!)
You shall have no other Gods before me. I am always putting things before God, including myself, which when I do makes them more important than God in my life...or makes a god out of them. God should come first, always, but that is so difficult for humans.
5) What is the most important lesson you have learned in life and from whom did you learn it? That God is always present even when we do not recognize it. That God does not cause our trials and temptations, but walks alongside us, celebrating our joys and crying with us in our sorrows and always loving us through it all. Sorry dearies...didn't mean to climb into my pulpit!1) What is your favorite quote and who said it? Life offers you a thousand chances...all you have to do is take one. (no idea who said it)
2) Who is your closest friend and why? My mom and my hubby tie. They are both so much fun and so supportive of everything I do.
3) Do you have a trigger food that will be the hardest of all to either give up or cut back on? I don't think I have a trigger food, but I LOVE ice cream (especially in the summer). I sure hope I am able to enjoy one on occassion with the kiddos.
4) Which of the 10 commandments do you struggle with most? (we all struggle with most of them at one time or another, if not by the letter of the law, at least in spirit!) I am really no religious at all. I would say taking the Lords name in Vain.
5) What is the most important lesson you have learned in life and from whom did you learn it? To be a great friend. Work, kids, new places...all sorts of things come up and can get us off track, but it is so importaqnt to stay in contact with our friends and to be supportive of them, their families and their lives. True friends will be there for us in the same way.1) What is your favorite quote and who said it? Ok - so I'm weird....."once I had a little game, I like to crawl back in my brain, I think you know the game I mean - it's the game called go insane." Jim Morrison from the End
2) Who is your closest friend and why? Allie - he's singarly the most unconditional person I have ever met
3) Do you have a trigger food that will be the hardest of all to either give up or cut back on?
4) Which of the 10 commandments do you struggle with most? (we all struggle with most of them at one time or another, if not by the letter of the law, at least in spirit!) I'm not religious and am not guided by them, although I respect everyone's right to their own beliefs.
5) What is the most important lesson you have learned in life and from whom did you learn it? Not to be quick to judge another person until I've walked in their shoes. I learned this not from any one person, more through life experience1) What is your favorite quote and who said it?
My favorite quote is actually from an old hymn I learned as a child. I don't know who wrote the song off the top of my head but my favorite part is
" Oh what peace we often forfeit Oh what needless pain we bare. All because we don not carry everything to God in prayer."
2) Who is your closest friend and why?
Wow my closest friend. You know I am going to say my sister. We were so different growing up. We have such a strong bond now.
3) Do you have a trigger food that will be the hardest of all to either give up or cut back on?
4) Which of the 10 commandments do you struggle with most? (we all struggle with most of them at one time or another, if not by the letter of the law, at least in spirit!)
Remember the sabbath and keep it holy.
5) What is the most important lesson you have learned in life and from whom did you learn it? Well I can say that the most important learned in life is when I was at a low point in my life and did serious soul searching . Not easy to do believe me to be really honestly convicted of I had wronged others. It is a cleansing process as well though and my marriage is better because of it.1) What is your favorite quote and who said it? " God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscious, but shouts in our pain. It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world." C.S. Lewis
2) Who is your closest friend and why? My BF Deb M. Unconditional love, trust in abundance, laugh together , cry together for almost a lifetime.
3) Do you have a trigger food that will be the hardest of all to either give up or cut back on? Potatoes any kind, anywhere,
4) Which of the 10 commandments do you struggle with most? (we all struggle with most of them at one time or another, if not by the letter of the law, at least in spirit!) Thou shalt not covet-I see some lives that look so easy and ours has been so tough and I just want theirs... 5) What is the most important lesson you have learned in life and from whom did you learn it? That happiness doesn't exist as a way of life, but in the joyful moments of tiny little things, like a cardinal at the birdfeeder, or making it to the hospital with ten minutes to spare for the birth of our grandson PRICELESS! It is the pursuit of happiness that makes me get up in the morning, and finding joy each day that keeps me going.