A hello and a question
on 2/26/08 10:09 am
Yes, I have Mainecare, but I am way behind you in the process so have not been submitted for approval yet and can't help you with a time frame. At some point I found this info online in a MaineCare manual:
H. Gastric Bypass or Gastroplasty Surgery
1. The patient's weight is at least twice the normal weight, or one hundred (100) lbs. over the ideal weight;
2. The patient has been unable to obtain the desired weight loss through non-surgical means under appropriate medical supervision, including psychological evaluation
3. There is an appropriate pre-operative, post-operative, and follow-up plan by the physician and dietitian; and
4. The surgery is medically necessary to correct an illness or condition caused by or aggravated by the obesity, such as diabetes or hypertension.
It is my understanding that if you meet those requirements, approval is not difficult, and I would assume that MMC would not have gone this far with you iof they didn't think you would be approved.
Good luck and please let me know how long it takes for you so I will know when my time comes.