Okay, so this site is just not easy for me to navigate. I just spent 20 minutes (when I should be writing a prss release) looking at how to take the "hoping to have surgery" off. No luck. I sweat I think I looked everywhere.
I also wanted to update the #'s on my ticker. Well, you can't login to tickerfactory. Their help files say to just slick it and it will bring you to update. I click mine in the signature area and nothing happens. When I click on properties I can copy the address, but then I plug it is to a new windo and I can see it, but you can't do anything to it. I soooooo do not want to make a new one everytime I want to update it. So frustrating.
Last night, I was trying to find where to change to Post Op and it took me forever but I found it!! You go to "My Account" up at the top where you log in. And them under "All about You" you click on "General Info" that is also where you can update your new BMI's. As for Tickerfactory, that is another story. You put in your pin and click on Edit/Update Weights (i think, doing this from memory) and then put in your pin again and fill in your new weight and hit NEXT.
I hope this helps ya!