january exercise challenge
I know alot of you have had RNY, I also go to the Lap Band site to get more information, so while there this woman Krista started a challenge for January. for 1000 mins. I have never been so excited about exercise, every one will tell her on tues. how many mins. they got that week. everyone is so excited and gung ho, we should get something like that going on the maine site. I would do it, but I mess up my mins. I would mess up all of yours. I"m in for Feb. if anyone is interested.
any kind, some of us even count shoveling, biking, walking, weights, just keep track of mins. we can start something for Feb, cause Jan almost done, but you should see the people who are doing it on the band site, and so dedicated too.... lets see how many people are willing to do with us. cool, have a great day, cheryl
peggy, great, what we do on the Lap band forum, every tues, you set up "feb Challenge" comment and every one comments on how many mins that week they did. and you track it on your end, we also do our own, when we give you our week total we can also give you our total so we can make sure we are all on the same page. It is also great to see how every one else is doing, and it makes us work harder. I think it is great, has helped me motivate myself. how does that sound?? Thanks so much, I'm not kidding when I say I get confused on my own mins. hehe, can't wait. cheryl
super, great, I love seeing all you guys interested and we had some late comers too who caught up to us. as for counting, Peggy volunteered for Feb. always more months, if your interested. we just send in our time for the week and total to make sure we are all on the same page, just a great incentive. happy to see your interested.