Good News!!
I went in yesterday to take the nutrition quiz and talk with the therapist. I passed the quiz perfectly! There was one piece of missing paperwork as far as the therapist goes, so they faxed what they needed to my counselor. This morning, I got a call from Wendy...I sign consent on January 30th!! YAAY!! I am SO happy! (I was very disappointed that I didn't get to sign yesterday, but I'm feeling much better now!)
So, It's looking like surgery might be around March 10th?? I can't wait to find out for sure.
Well, I just thought I'd let you all know.
Take care everyone!
Thanks for the support everyone!
I am so excited! I will definitely keep you all posted as soon as I hear anything about a date!
Congrats to all of you with upcoming surgeries
! It certainly is a great feeling to be so close to the begining of a brand new life.
Best wishes to all of you
Take care.