The bowel prep comments are killing me
Have you ever had a colonoscopy? It's the same thing. The fleet soda liquid you drink which is he most fowl tasting stuff you will ever drink (makes me gag just thinking about it). You will have major diarehia (sp?). It cleans out your entire system so there is nothing in it while undergoing surgery and after. Best of luck and sorry I couldn't comfort you about it ~ it's just a nasty process.
It's 2 bottles of liquid laxative, I think they're 3 or 4 ounces each. You drink one in the AM and one in the PM. It makes you poop like you've never pooped before. The second one tasted so much worse then the first because I knew what it tasted like. It's really salty and makes you gag. I chased mine with apple juice to kill the taste, I think it helped a little but I can still taste it if I think about it. I'll tell you one thing, whatever color goes in will come out. I drank sugar free grape Koolaid and my poop was purple. Hey...That might give you something creative to do. Try mixing colors of your liquids and see what the results are. LOL .......Sorry, I think I need to go to bed and get some sleep.
I am dying laughing over here at the thought of mixing colors to see what comes out! You crack me up. At least I can now mentally prepare for it. Who knows how long it will be before I get presented and move on to surgery. Too bad it wasn't in pill form so you wouldn't have to taste it. I guess it would give you a head start on the losing process ha ha
I mixed the first one with apple juice and the second with crystal light. Neither was any good. I held my nose the first time but I could still taste it. So the second time I just drank it fast and hoped for the best.
I just figured no matter how bad it is, it's only one day out of the rest of my life. But, It's a day you'll never forget. Maybe you'll like the taste - who knows!!