Hi everyone just wanted to let everyone know, that my sleep doctor that I have been having a very hard time with just called me.. I was going for second opinion Dec 27,2007.Now I do not have too. Dr Harrow just called and told me my 3rd slep study was normal and I NO LONGER NEED THE CPAP MACHINE. He is writing letter my place of employment and sending me a copy for my records. he can no longer treaten to take my bus license any longer..YIPPIE. I called Lincare and they will send me paper they get from him just to make sure I have it..
He said to me He will not bother me anylonger his exact words but I have to go see in in 6 months.. i laughed and said yah..then he said Merry christmas.. we dont get along at all but all is over now..Good new good new..
Merry christmas to ME>>>> it was my weight all along that is what I have said from the beginning. Postive thinking is the only way im thinking of this..
There is hope at the end of the tunnel if you want to get off the cpap machine..