hot flashes
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to know if anyone but is having hot flashes at night. mine were not to bad until lately wow.. im going crazy at night.
I had a hystrorectomy in 1999 and was taking primrin and I havent taking any for 2 years now got off them myself because I was getting palups..I have tried black cohesh dont work,
Now I dont know what to take I dont want go back taking pill but wow this is driving me crazy I cant sleep at night. they are going to keep on on that cpap machine for ever now.. what do i do but go sleep in snow bank now we got them. I sleep were it is cool now hubby says i freeze him out. I only get them at night or when in really mad..
anyone have any Ideas
hi sweetie, I'm not sure where this would put you as far as what kind of vitamins your dr. wants you to take,BUT, I also has the big H and had night sweats until I started Estro Plus from Walmart, Works quick and great for me. I"d ask Dr. or check out with Nut.... good luck, also, Evening Primrose oil (tablets) Good stuff...
hi there i too am staying away from the drugs.i swear by red clover the herb.also wild yam and chaste berries.also a real good multple B vite.i use a great company called NATURESSUNSHINE.COM and they work.the B i love is called NUTRI CALM and it does calm.and at the health food store there is VALARIAN ROOT.Also VALARIAN MINT TEA..It smells funny but i love it.also go to the book store and get SUSUN WEEDS THE MENOPAUSAL YEARS.SHE IS FANTASTIC.i hope this helps.get the is all in there.soups for our bones ane the flashes and so much more i have used it for 3 years now.
kindred spirits