Anyone want an All The Whey Sample?
I posted this in an old thread but wanted to make sure everyone saw it Hey everyone! I just got an email back from the guy that sent my order at all the way and they threw in 30 free samples for me to share! If anyone wants a sample when they come in please let me know. I have addresses from the xmas card exchange already. I thought that was great of them! And an fyi the shipping is included and their prices seem good. So I would recommend them so far and i HAVENN'T EVEN TRIED IT. i HOPE IT IS GOOD---SURE SOUNDS IT! Ooops caps. Let me know. If you have a flavor preference from the list let me know. Not sure all the flavors being sent but here is what they have Banana Split, Chocolate Mousse, MintC hocolate Ice Cream, Orange Creamsicle, Strawberry Shortcake, and French Vanilla Ones not in sample pack: Peaches and cream, pineapple blast, tropical chocolate and unflavored. They Are at allthewheydotcom.