new sleep doctor
Hi Netti,
I cant just give it back like most people they have me over a barrell because I have a class two lic. I drive school bus and they will pull my lic. if i dont have the machine. If i refuse then there goes my job that I love. So I have to play the game until i pass the test saying I dont need it.
I am pretty lucky as my sleep doctor at penobscot respirtory is my lung dr. Dr. Oldenburg and i love him. I also drive school bus and they have me over the barrel too. I do not get tired during the day or fall asleep just sitting around but i still have to use my machine, Now after surgery when my machine gets up to 9.5 it wakes me up and i am awake until i turn it off and start it over again and when it gets back up there it wakes me up. I guess i need to take my smart card in and find out what it says.
Have a great weekend support group was great last nite Dr. Toder spoke.
Patty p
Clifton Maine