Good Morning
Good Morning all!!!
I was up at 2:30 to go potty and my pouch was empty and when it is that empty i can feel the juices and dont like the feeling when i lay down.==so to the recliner i go till 4.
Then i take my prevacid. Gonna ask if there is someithing i can take before bed so i can sleep longer or keep my pouch from feeling that way. Maybe things will change i I just need to get use to it. But I see the doctor next week and the nutritionist next tuesday!!!!
I do notice every day i am better. I think the shopping was great for me yesterday got me out and walking. I am going to go to walmart this morning and get some more t shirt transfers and come back and work on my christmas tshirts.
I did sleep better last nite getting some extra exercise yesterday.
I got in all my liquid again yesterday and a little more. and i got in all my portein.
Will be interesting next week when i change to solids as i know i will not start out with the whole amount and i just cant wait for real chewing food kind of. llol
sitting home here i think of food all the time as i am bored with not much to do. But that will change in a couple of weeks when i have more christmas stuff to do.
Well all have a great day.
Patty P
Ok - Now I know I'm going to sound like a Negative Nancy - but can you REALLY have solids NEXT WEEK! Did you get a list of foods for each week post-op? I can't believe that you can have solids next week!
I had to do 2 weeks of liquids, 2 weeks of puree, 2 weeks of soft foods and THEN solids! I thought that that was pretty standard, too!
Take it easy! You already have so many problems going on for you (you're posting daily about fas and not sleeping etc!) I don't want you to feel too yucky! :)
We have soft protein which is the mushies but it is solid food compared to the liquiet.
Yes our book has our list of food and now i will be on that one for about 4 weeks.
The nutritionist will give me a menu sheet on tuesday. and the first thing i cant wait to get back is an egg!!!!!
Each hospital program is so different. But i will follow the guidelines like a good girl.
I t is not brain surgery and i have learned that i probably eat and i am not even hungry
so i must be bored most of the time lol
Take care Summer
Oh good! It sounded like you were talking about FOOD FOOD. Stuff to really chew! That made me so nervous for you!
I truly know what it was like to chew again. On the mushies we could have mashed pot. and scrambled eggs and tuna. Let me tell you ... nothing ever tasted as good as that first bite of mashed pot. Honest to God! UNBELIEVABLE! :) I'm glad for you!!!! That first scrambled egg will ROCK YOUR WORLD! :)
I remember how much I was looking forward to that scrambled egg! I kept checking my folder just to make sure yes I really could have it and it tasted soooo good!
I also have a hard time sleeping on an empty pouch because it just doesn't feel good. Before I go to bed I have a big glass of milk or a few slices of cheese and that usually helps. I also take one tylenol PM which usually knocks me out for the entire night.