THE ChRiStMaS CaRdS Are CoMinG.........
Have had my Christmas cards to the group sitting on my desk for over a week now and today finally got them written and mailed! Have received one so far (thanks Rachael!) and am looking forward to hearing from more of my friends from this site.
Those of us who have had the surgery have much to be thankful for this holiday season as we have been given a chance to share in a new life with Jesus. I can attest to the fact that it IS a wonderful feeling to be able to accomplish things that were hard to manage at my former weight. I thank God daily for leading me to someone capable of restoring my self worth as well as to this group of VERY supportive friends.
Those who will be having the surgery in the not so distant future also have much to be thankful for as they too have been given the chance to start making the changes toward that new life.
THANK YOU ALL for being there and being so supportive. It's wonderful to have friends *****ally do understand and care.