I am on my way....
I am so excited, Crystal just called and said that Dr. Loggins has signed off for my surgery and that they faxed everything over to Cigna today. I just cant wait to be on the "Loser's" bench. I wonder how long it will take Cigna to approve. Crystal said that they are booking 3 weeks out from the time of approval. I could be on my way before xmas. That would be so wicked cool. Sorry to keep rambling, I'm just so very excited. Keep praying for a quick decision. Thanks. Missi
Congratulations! Can you believe it is almost here after such a long process! How long was your process anyways? How many times did you meet with Corrine? I am just wondering because i AM PRE-OP TOO AND JUST CANNOT WAIT! Ooops...caps. I am done with all of my testing except a sleep study, and an appointment with Corrine (if only one not sure how many are typical). I will then only have the psych eval which I will have to wait until after Jan 1 because of an insurance switch. I just can't wait to be where you are----waiting for the final approval and date!
go2girl, I had my first appt with Dr. Loggins on July 17th. I have only seen Corrine twice, but due to Cigna I had started all of my weight management visits with my primary care, so I allready had 4 visits with my pcp done when I started with Corrine. So, really it hasnt been that long. Thanks for all the finger crossing. I dont expect to hear anything at all this week due to the holidays. I will post as soon as I hear something. Thanks. Missi
CONGRATULATIONS MISSI ! You have every right to be excited as this IS a wonderful gift to be giving yourself. Looking forward to seeing a post with your surgery date. We're all here cheering you on and keeping our fingers crossed and our prayers going. You'll be joining the loser's bench before you know it!