Water intake problem
HI everyone,
Got a question for you all. When i came home from the hospital I could get all my water in, Now I am lucky I get 16oz. I had to get a phyical for my job and they said I was dehydrated.
I have tried warm water, cold water, bottled water, flavored waters, drinking out of a glass, tea,coffee, everything sits so hard and makes me ill. I keep sipping but i need more water.
I just cant believe my taste buds changed that much that I cant stand water. Anyone have any ideas.
Try sugar free popscicles. Dr. Clough said 2 of those equaled 1 liquid and in the beginning I used those a lot. Just have to keep after tha****er. Always have it by you. Have you tried any of the flaovored waters .No carbonation though . I cannot do aspertame as it makes me so hungry now, but some are with splenda. Crystal Lights has a new hydration with electrolytes in it that is already made it has splenda. BUT the powered one they make is made with aspertame. Go figure !
The real secret is just continuely drink. I remember even sitting up at night drinking because I could not get enough during the day.
You could try putting a little frozen orange juice in. that may help it taste better.
I wonder if you are drinking too fast or too much, try to slow down and take smaller sips but more frequent.
Good Luck

Hi Barb,
I can understand your frustration. I'm still having a hard time with water as well. Frozen popcicles are off-limits in our post-op diet, so the only thing I've found that seems to go down semi-easily is the Crystal Light Lemonaide and Tomato Soup.
Keep trying. Staying hydrated is essential. Our center even recommends Pedia-Lyte to help keep your electrolytes balanced. Maybe that might help you? Don't give up! Thinking of you!
Blessings, Yvonne
Take smaller sips and have it with you at all times. I had a hard time at first and had to time myself by taking a small sip every 2 minutes. Drink 100% juice or anything that is made of liquid. Jello, broth, soups, protein drinks are really good because they count as a protein and as a liquid. I use to buy a drink at GNC that is a protein drink - comes in a large glass bottle in flavors like fruit punch, grape, etc. They have something like 30 grams of protein - they were really sweet so I would add 1/2 water and 1/2 of the drink. I will try to find them and let you know what the name is.
Suck on ice cubes made of juices or crystal light.
Good luck
If worry were an effective weight-loss program, women would be invisible. Nancy Drew