Average Hospital Stay?
For those who have had lap gastric bypass, about how long is your hospital stay??? How about open gastric bypass??? Those that had it at Eastern Maine Medical Center, how long??? Did you share a room with another patient, how was your experience? I know I'll probably learn alot of this stuff at the class but one of my bad habbits is impatience! LoL
Hi Darcy,
I went in on a Tuesday for open RNY, and was out on a Friday afternoon, and yes you will have a roommate, mine wasn't bad, she just had way to many phone calls!! I took my cell and used it instead of the hospital phone and set the ringer to low, I didn't want to bother her. Who would have thought an 80 year old woman talked on the phone that much!! haha Good Luck!!
Surgery Day 374/Current 216/Goal 153
I went in on 7/6, Friday morning, early, surgery was at 7am. I had a private room the first night. Then a woman who had emergency gall bladder removal was brought in the second night. My hospital stay was awesome. I have had some bad ones too at other ones, hubby is retired military, so I have had my share of military hospitals!!!! EMMC was great and the staff, I found to be very professional and compassionate. I was discharged on Sunday afternoon. If you end up with the lap RNY, you will be amazed at how quick you start to feel better.
Let me know if there are any other questions I can help you with. Best of Luck,
Hi there,
I'm 6.5 weeks out and I'm happy to share my experience. Although I'm living in ME, I decided to go to Dr. Randall in Medford, MA. I had the open RNY. My procedure was done on a Monday AM and I had the option of going home on Weds, but elected to stay until Thurs. because of the distance involved. I was fortunate to have a private room. I heard that your insurance determines weather or not you receive a room mate or private room, but I don't know if this is accurate. It maybe just what is available and how busy the hospital is at that time.
Good luck to you!

I had Lap Gastric Bypass with Dr. Cobean at Maine Medical Center and was only there overnight. I did end up sharing my room with a lady that had emergency back surgery. My surgery was scheduled for 9:00 AM and the person before me could not have surgery for some reason so I ended up going in at 7:30 AM. I finally woke up enough to transfer me to my room at 6PM. I walked several times during the night and the next morning. When Dr. Cobean came in for rounds he said I was good to go home as soon as I was ready. My fiance was at work so I waited for him to get out and he came to get me around 4:30. I have never had any problems and actually things are better than I thought they would be. I have lost more weight then I wanted to in less time then I thought possible.
Good luck and I can't wait to hear how things go.
If worry were an effective weight-loss program, women would be invisible. Nancy Drew 

Hi Darcy,
I was in the hospital for about 24 hrs. I had lap RNY at Maine Med by Dr Cobean. I shared a room with a nice lady. The experience was good. The only problem was the night nurse not being too attentive. Didn't clean out the toilet from my roommate etc. Also they gave me a normal lunch, hello!! I "bypassed" the Turkey and Mashed Potato. But enjoyed the SF custard. My entire surgery cost was about $11500 (with no complications). I have Harvard Pilgrim and have to pay a copay of $900.
For lap the average stay is 3 days, you are required to walk a certain amount before they will discharge you though so if you aren't able to do that they may have you stay an extra day (according to the bypass "bible", i.e. blue folder, you should either already have or will receive soon). For open the usual stay at EMMC is 4 days. Also, there are only one or two private rooms on the 3rd floor (where you will go after surgery) and so you will most likely be sharing a room with another patient who will probably not be recovering from the same surgery as you. I hope that helps lol, I always research everything because I always feel like I need to know as much as I can, plus my mother is a nurse on the 3rd floor so I ask her questions all the time about what it's going to be like on the floor. I hope that helps you a bit!