gas pain let up
thank you everyone for the imformation on the gas x i took 4 last night and i felt my stomach start working and about 2 this after noon wowowowowowow. thought i was going to blow the flush off the never thought I had it that bad. after 3 trips to the bathroom the pain was all gone........cant believe they would not give me anything in the hospital. I even asked for it..I dont think it is that good to suffer like that. I feel so good today,,,glad i had it done and let the healing begin...I m ready for the journey and have plenty of gas x on hand just in
I wont weight myself until i have the 2 week check up..I can oly hope to be a loser by then if not i will keep working at it until i am..
Have a great day
Hi Barb,
Boy is the gas bad! LOL Yes, those Gas X strips are great. I would also stick to protein shakes if you can rather than food. I was told today at my appointment with the Nut, that more importantly to get in your fluids and then protein. Apparently you have an amount of Protein that is stored and then by the 2nd and 3rd month to concentrate on Protein as you start losing your reserve. I didn't know that. Also, I found that walking helps with the gas. My instructions before I left the hospital were to drink, drink, drink and walk, walk, walk. Food will come later.
Best of Luck!!