Some changes, need help!"> src="" alt="pregnancy week by week" border="0" />
Ok, so I'll work on those habbits now that will be good for me after surgery and I am definately going to go out and get that dummies book

Thanks again!
Our stories are similar, I also started out wanting the lap-band, Was afraid of the Bypass. The more I got into it the more I could see the Gastric Bypass was better for me. I had gotten my weight down enough so i could get insurance approval for the Band but had made up my mind the Bypass was my better choice. I also have Dr. Toder and respect her opinion and talents. She felt I'd be a better candidate for the Bypass and so far i am doing great. Had susrgery on 07/02. I have loss 24 lbs. feel good and outside of adjusting to new diet am doing well. You are doing the right thing, don't look back. There are so many great things ahead. Dr. Toder doesn't require anything diff for the Bypass pre-op diet wise. But the suggestions by Maineax are right on. If you are a coffee drinker I'd try to stop that also for now. I had headaches after surgery that were tracked back to coffee withdrawal. So I'd add that to the list. Take you vitamins, calcium and any other meds you are supposed to. Wear the stupid CPAC machine it will help in long run. Aug 27th will be here before you know it and we will all be cheering you on. You have made a good decission.