Another newbie, From Maine

on 7/4/07 1:31 pm - Bath, ME
Allicca- It was great to meet you last week! I just re-read your second post here and I 100% agree with people who say you wear it well. You are 1 inch taller than me and I would have guessed you were much lower weight than me. i however think that health comes first and I know you need the surgery as much as any of us. I just wanted to tell you that you look great! You will go to the group meetings and people will ask what surgery you had. They ask me and I carry my weight heavier than you do. Good luck and keep us posted!
                        pre-op 246, surgery day 228, goal 145, current 140.5,
on 7/4/07 9:24 pm - Livermore, ME
HI Sheli! YOu wont believe where I am going tomorow!!! in already with pschy eval Friday july 6th waterville, I took your advice and called a couple days after and yes they didnt have it , Lynn had to re fax it and I said to them that I was told that this may happen. Long short... I'm in tomorow.. God has poured out blessings on us this week, We sold our house we cant afford cause of my health and found a new one we can we like the best out of 4 months of trying to find something . and  all. I did have to spend the day in hospital yesterday , turns out I had an episode of such pain that I had a tunnel almost going to pass out feeling. I t was scarey. Never happened before ever..  My back legs just constantly pinch and sharp shoots  it ended up giving me a spinal headache   I'm trying to not take as much drugs.... anyway my brain I guess told my body had enough.. scarey..   there answer to all MORE pain medication ... I want this surgery   to help with pain..        I currently today weigh 250 lbs, depending whose scale a few pounds off.   last month I was morbidly obese . I am severly now from the few pounds I've lost.. I  So the health impacts are just overwhelming.. I dont care about how I look I thank God for my legs that move and arms that  work, I've been in the hospital bed before for 36 days   I've not been able to shower by myself.. I've had to be fed before tear in my spinal cord... Its no place to be.                I am getting a lot of slack because the way I look and thats ok, because exercise is what keeps me well rounded even when all I could ever move was my fingers I did it, to me it keeps my spirits, My attitude, my muscles going  I cant tell you how much exercise  helps everything. there are a million ways to do it   I would weigh 100 +pounds more i'm sure at least if Ididnt . I also Love the Lord, and hope that shows through.. It also  helps soo much with stress.                         I have been a gym member for most my adult life and the first time I lost about 100lbs  and kept most of it off until my back surgerIES>~  But still weighed 200 and no one would believe me.. soo  Muscle TRULY weighs more then fat, it also burns our calories.. thus the protein protein....           I have to  share with everyone that you DONT NEED SPECIAL CLOTHES OR BALLS OR WEIGHTS OR VIDEOS OR MONEY.. to exercise.. JUst pair comfy shoes and a good attitude. walk 3 times outside around your house next day 4 ~set goals.  get laundry jug lay on the floor lift it straight up over your head Tricep curls~ the still waving stuff.  just need to set time to do it everyday. thats how I started it all .. then had courage to go gym etc. and I was in the SENIOR CLASSES at the gym because of my back, I really never have fit in anywhere in my exercise and size until here..   as all the regulars at the gym except me are fit  ,   I'm too young for seniors and cant run marathons  so I make my own world..  Honestly  I try to get people to join and because i"m still always over 200 and work soooo hard , they will do a class or so and get discourged  ..               Its all about how we feel and if we are not healthy we are not happy..  Just like when we lose a ton of weight, these gals Do NOT FEEL GOOD Unless they get there protein and vitatmins in and water and exercise,   and that takes work as well, so just because they are thin they still have to fight... only the other side to get enough not too much so its all about Balance.                and if they cheat in the process they feel aweful as well. soo guess its a process that we are all in different places..               But thanks so much for your comments.. I do work hard to have a healthy attitude as the pain gets to me and get a bit grouchy.. PLus until August 2 , I live on the lake  that fresh air helps . I have a paddle boat..  I think all these factor project .. I appreciate you saying that..   I will be telling you that very shortly as well..  I would like to share with all my private e mail. as I could fill boards up fast.. [email protected]   EvErYbOdIEs welcome..  I will have phsych eval and first dietician visit completed by end of month..  so will keep you all posted.. I update my story with all my appt. every time..   We are moving and may be out of service a week or so. but will be back..  Thank you all for all your support time and attention.. I'm so thankful for this.. Maine is going to be even more beautiful all the gorgeous women .. h e he he. Scented BlEsSiNgs Allicca  Happy July! next JUly will be soo different for us all.. .........
on 7/4/07 11:46 pm - Bath, ME
Allicca, WOW- into psych in a couple days!!! That is great!!! They were nice there, A 570 question psych test and then you meet with the doctor for a bit. She was nice and easy to talk to. I personally tried not to tell her too much, I was scared I'd babble on and that she'd think I was nuts.
I know what you are saying about wanting to be healthy, not thin. You looked like your back hurt so bad last week, I really am hoping that your surgery and recovery come quick for you. Especially after landing back in the hospital since then.
Congrats on the new house, I know you were worried about selling the old one and not havine a place to go set were right: It all worked out for the best.
I just found a protein drink I really like. Thought I'd share with you. EAS AdvantEdge Carb Control. It's a ready to drink one, a little pricy, but it was on sale at CVS this week, so I decided to try it. The Chocolate Fudge is Tasty!

Anyway, I babble on....Talk to you soon! Sheli
                        pre-op 246, surgery day 228, goal 145, current 140.5,
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