New - What's my first step???
Hi Gang, I'm Summer and am trying to start the process of getting a lap band.
I called my insurance company and they said I needed a letter of "medical necessity" from "the doctor" (I'm assuming my PCP). I scheduled an appt for the 25th with my PCP to discuss this. What happens next? Do I get her to make a referral to a surgeon from there?
Anyone have any help for me? How long does the process take from start to surgery (on average?) I'm really clueless! Thanks in advance, gang!
- Summer
My journey started with a referal from my PCP to the Surgeon, than I started out with orientation, that is where you get your binder about your surgery, what different options you have. I started back in January with my PCP, I am finally scheduled for RNY 7/24/07. It is a very long journey, but it is covered extremely well, once you start you will not go into this blinded, everything is spelled out for you, and if you do have questions, feel free to ask, everyone is VERY helpful!! Welcome Aboard!!

Are you Pam Harvey from Bucksport? I used to manage the Big Apple in Orland and I believe I delivered oil to your house, I always had to go with the drivers, because they were never from around the area and I had to show them where to know the blind leading the blind?haha I was the blond that was always talking.....well let me know if this is you......I read your profile when I first joined OH, and it was remarkable, you have come along way girl!! I am a little nervous, not about the surgery, well yeah I guess what I am worried about is not coming out of it, and my little boy not having a mother!! I have heard so many awesome stories from other people that there is no way in the world I am going to turn back!! What was the hardest thing for you? The pain? How long was your recovery time? Just a few questions to start off with....thank you for letting me ask you all of these questions.....Keep me are doing a great job...keep it up!!!
Yes that is me !!!!!
I was so nervous before surgery I was just sure at my age and all my health problems I would NOT make it through. But i tell you Dr. Clough is one of the best. I am very thank ful to say I had NO complications I have never threw up, and i was out of the hospital in 3 days.
Clough is very good. I have cut out a lot of my meds and doing just great. If you email me i will send you some [email protected]
here is my real email address [email protected] would love to see some pictures!!