Need to vent didnt send papers
HI Everyone,
Just need to vent I went to the sleep doctor and he told me that I should have the surgery as soon as possible. I am having alot of problems with the sleep machines. He said he was going to call Dr. Clough and speak with him..YIPPIE. the problem is I called the insurance company today and they have not recieved a letter yet from them. So I called the office today and they said he didnt sgin the papers before he went to canada.. but they will sent it today. i guess i should be happy almost there. I cant give up now. This is why i think it takes so long to get from one step to another.. thanks for letting me vent..
It does normally take between 4 to 6 months from the informational meeting to surgery........ I took 7 months because I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and had to have another sleep study with the machine on before Dr. Huang would see me. Believe it or not, you are moving along fast, You will get there, maybe you'll have yours before me!!!!!!!!
Keep on top of the situation and be proactive,
I have got to sleep
with that machine to, I hate it!!!
Cannot get comfortable when I do the air comes out of it, I too had to have a second sleep test and it did not come out very good at all, I guess I stop breathing more than I really do breathe....just be patient it will all come together very soon, probably sooner than you think!! Maybe we will be together on the same day....July 24!!!