c flex machine--remstar (sleep apena machine)
Hi everyone,
just wanted to know if anyone know anything about the machine..does it tell the time it was running, what the air flow was, they have set this one 8-14 because i was having alot of problems with my cpap machine so they are tring to find out what i really use and then reset my machine..I know it records the amount of air but was wondering if date or time records,,i have to send it in in two weeks so they can adjust mine. sorry for rambling. hope someone can tell me someithing
This must be the "self titrate" thing I was telling you that Lynn told me about.......(does that make sense?) most machines will tell how many hours it is used,,, mine has a card that goes in it, that the respiratory therapist can take out and download your information. I had to have mine at the theraputic level before I could see the surgeon, and definetly before surgery. I am glad you don't have to go for ANOTHER sleep study to do this like I did.
Keep us posted
I know this wasn't the information you were looking for.