Newbie Needs Help!!

Let the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, oh Lord my strength and my redeemer.
I don't live in Maine myself but I have a niece that is a school teacher in Portland that has a rich boyfriend.
I'm from Texas, Ft Worth to be exact home of where the legend of the cowboy began.

Let the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, oh Lord my strength and my redeemer.
Hi Amy, my insurance doesn't require a referral either but if you go with Dr. Wolff or Cobeans office (in Portland) they require a referral from your Physician. So you'd just have to find yourself a regular doctor. Have them do a regular physical on you and tell them you want WLS and would like a referral to Dr. Wolff or Cobean at Casco Bay Surgery. Unless you find another doc you want to do your surgery. I am not sure whether you wanted Lap Band Surgery or Gastric Bypass. Dr. Wolff prefers the Lap Band and Dr. Cobean preferrs the Gastric Bypass (as a surgery to do)... but he will do bands too. I know there is a bariatric team at Southern Maine Med as well but last I checked they do not do Lap Bands. Dr. Wolff is excellent if you want to go the Lap Band route! I am having my Lap Band done by her on May 30th! I can't wait. Anyway... back to the insurance thing. I had to see my regular doctor and get them to fax over the referral to Dr. Wolff. Once that happens and there are some things that they will want from your doctor...certain test results, and the referral. Casco Bay Surgery would send you a packet of info to fill out to get the ball rolling. It takes awhile to get things going so if you are really serious about it you should get cracking asap. If you need anymore info just let me know! Good luck to you! ~Heather