How long from here?
Hi everyone. My surgeon referred me to Dr. Cobean because I need a revision from a previous WLS to an RNY. The referral was sent the first week in March. I have had an initial appointment with Dr. Cobean and I received paperwork from the Bariatric Center which I completed around mid-April. My appointment with Dr. Cobean was on May 1, but I haven't heard anything more from the Bariatric Center. Can anyone tell me approximately how long it might be before I have my first team appointment? I started this process almost 2 years ago with my own surgeon before he decided that I should be referred to Dr. Cobean instead. Evidently now I need to go through the entire process again. I'm just wondering what kind of timeline to expect. Thanks for any help you can give me.

Hello, I am getting Lap Band surgery with Dr. Renee Wolff who is in Dr. Cobean's practice. It took me about 5 months from getting the ball rolling to being seen.
I would call and tell someone your story and see what their timeline is. If you call the center try calling 761-5612 and hit the # key to enter extension 537 for Sharon Lepics, the nurse there. She should be able to direct you with a time frame and let you know if there is anything you can do to speed things up. Just ask her... "what can I do to speed things up?" She will probably be able to give you some tips. I hope! ")
Good Luck! Let me know how it goes.
Hi Kim,
I had a similar experience. I went through the bariatric program at Portsmouth, NH, (began in April '06) and in December, I was told that my insurance denied me based on their being "out of network". I contacted Sharon Lepich RN, in Dec and explained tbat I had everything done, psych eval, nutritionist, support meetings, endoscopy, and asked Sharon if she could place me on a cancellation list. 2 weeks later I was contacted and given an appointment. I am scheduled on May 23rd to be banded by Dr. Wolff, Dr. Cobean's partner in the practice. It appears that the average time is about 5 or 6 months or so, depending on how many hoops you have to jump through.
Good luck!