I am a veteran surgery patient in need of some answers
I had my weightloss surgery back in January of 2005. I have lost 126 pounds but have found that I have plateaued at 200lbs for a long time. I have a hard time with eating I find that the things I should eat I can't and the things I shouldn't I can. Am I the only one that feels this way? My body seems so fat still and I don't know if its me or the truth others tell me I look great but sometimes I don't believe them. I have been thinking a lot lately about haveing plastic surgery to help repair what is left of me because everything is all out of proportion and rolls where they don't belong. I also have rashes under some of the skin that no matter what I do it doesn't help like keeping it clean and dry and putting powder on it to help absorb extra moisture. I am more wondering how people get and pay for plastic surgery after weight loss surgery. Is there anyone on here that has had plastic surgery that has any ideas as to that. I am on Mainecare and am not sure if they will pay for it under any cir****tances. If anyone can help me I could use it.
Thank you
Mainecare will cover the tummy part of plastic surgery. They won't pay to have the muscles tightened but will pay to have the excess skin and fat removed. The website that explains the requirements is
It's called a panniculectomy if you scroll down to page 34 it's right under penile implants
letter N. It looks like you fit the profile perfectly.
Good luck,