Protein drinks
I was told by the nutritionist that I had to find 2 protein drinks that I liked before surgery. Does anyone have any favorites? I don't want to go out and just buy any one. She gave me a 6 page list of different ones and where they are available. I figure if I get one that the majority likes I'll try that one first because I assume they all taste different.
Any info would be helpful.
Linda! Hello! I'm getting my lap band with Dr. Wolff on May 30!!! I have been trying to find the right drink for myself. I have some of the Carnation Instant Breakfast stuff but don't think it's going to cut it when I have to drink it 3 times a day. I start my Post Op Diet on May 16th.
So does the Slimfast High Protein Chocolate curb your hunger?
Another question. I'm still waiting to hear back from Barbara about the diet. If we chose to eat a meal like Lean Quisine for dinner... can we still have all the veggies and the serving of fruit during the day? Or are we supposed to just drink breakfast and lunch and then have the Lean Quisine dinner?
I'm confused about exactly what to eat on the Pre Op diet. Don't want to eat to little or too much either. I know as it is I'll probably be starving! HA!
Yes I find that the Slimfast High Protein curbs my hunger, but let me tell you that when lunch time comes around I do feel hungry and ready for another one.
Do you still have your Pre-Op Diet paper? This is how my paper is written I will do it word for word.
3 servings of a complete liquid nutritional product
For one meal a day you may have the following
3oz.white fish or chicken breast no skin
1 cup of cooked vegetables, any type
1 medium serving of fresh fruit, (1/2 cup size)
no added fats, e.g. butter, margarine, oil etc.
1 of the following prepared frozen dinners
lean cuisine
weigh****chers smart ones
healthy choice
You may eat raw vegetables as desired, such as salads, made of vegetables only. fat-free dressing is allowed. other foods that are alllowed are dill pickles and artificially sweetened gelatin, which are extremely low in calories.
So What I've been doing is a shake for breafast only, then a shake for lunch and some raw carrots, then for dinner a shake, 3oz chicken 1 cup of cooked veg.. then later have a diet jello and a small fruit.
I find that I do better with a home meal than a frozen meal.
If you hear from Barbara let me know what she tells you.
Hi Linda, Yes... I have the same yellow paper. It does say that the Slim Fast is Carb Consious. Which I cannot find easily. I missed Barbara's return call today as I had to go to the dentist. I'll get a hold of her tomorrow. I want to know if that Carb Consious is the only kind of Slim Fast that is allowed or not. I'd like to try the Optima as it says it's supposed to control hunger for 4 hours.
Anyway. I'll let you know what Barb says tomorrow. ")
Thanks Linda! I'm glad to hear that. I imagine Barbara will ok the Optima Slim Fast then too. ") I think the "Carb Consious" one they have is actually called "Low Carb Diet". I saw it on the Slim Fast website. Still can't find it anywhere.
Thanks for mentioning BJ's... my husband just got a card for that place and it's his new favorite thing to do! Shopping there! HAHA!
So tell me again... about how long does the High Protein Slim Fast curb your hunger?
I'm so excited I can't stand it. Ha! People ask me if I am scared to have this surgery. No, it's scarier to me to think of staying obese the rest of my life. That scares me.... having this surgery makes me excited and a little nervous. Not scared! ")
I'm sure she will ok the Optima one because my Dad brought in the kind called boost and she said that it was ok to take if he wanted.
I will have a High Protein shake around 8:30 in the morning, then I start getting hungry around 12:00pm but don't have one till 12:30 because I have a home day care and I wait till all the kids are in bed before eating or should I say drinking.l
I am very excited too