MMC Bariatric Center Patients
Hi Rachel,
I see you are from Lewiston, I to am from Lewiston. I just had my pre-admission testing today at MMC Brighton Campus and I started the 2 week liquid Diet today also. I will have my Lap Band on May 22 at MMC by Dr. Wolff. I hope the time goes by fast now. Good luck with your surgery
. Who do you have for a Dr.?

Hey Rachel! We chatted on here last week about CHERYL in Dr. Wolff's office remember?
Finally got her act together after I wrote a letter to Dr. Wolff. Cheryl tried to mess me up and shedule me for July 10th for Lap Band. I was like NO WAY... anyway...long story short... after Dr. Wolff had her meeting with Cheryl... my surgery date is now May 30th! WHOO HOOO!!!!
I go for my Preadmin testing on the 21st. Let me know how all that goes for you!!!!
I'm interested in chatting regularly so feel free to chat away to me... I'm around most of the time.